
200+ Demos in Bridge 10.0

Let’s skip the irrelevant chit-chat and get right down to business. Bridge just got another massive update, and we can’t wait to tell you about all the awesome stuff we’ve added, all with the goal of making your life easier.

The first thing you’ll notice when you visit Bridge 10.0 is the new design style. Simple & modern, the new Bridge landing page looks amazing, even if we do say so ourselves. We’re extremely proud of the new Bridge design, and we hope you like it too.

But let’s face it, this wouldn’t be much of an update if all we added was a new landing page. Which is why Bridge 10.0 also comes with an amazing collection of 33 all-new demos. What this means is that Bridge now offers more than 200 (yes, two-hundred) demos for you to choose from. And given that each Bridge demo is a complete and fully equipped website of its own, this means you now get 200+ complete website solutions to choose from when you purchase a single copy of Bridge.

But there’s much more to Bridge then just a large number of demos. Take the free plugins for example. As you might know, Bridge used to come with a free copy of the powerful Visual Composer drag-and-drop plugin ($34 value), and a free copy of the amazing LayerSlider plugin ($18 value). And it still does! Only now we’ve also added a free copy of the Slider Revolution plugin ($19 value) with each purchase of Bridge, bringing the total value of the plugins you get for free to $71.

So with Bridge 10.0, you get 200 complete websites to choose from, and save $71 dollars on plugins. That’s not too shabby, but it’s also not all we’ve got. Not by a long shot.

Bridge 10.0 also adds 12 completely new shortcodes to the Bridge shortcode collection. This brings the total number of custom shortcodes in Bridge to a whopping 71. And that’s not counting all the various subtypes and easily interchangeable styles of each shortcode. Whatever type of element you want on your website, Bridge has it.

More, you say? Oh, there’s more. There’s a ton of new customization options, including options for creating beautiful color gradients, new slide transition animations for the Qode Slider, and new font icon packs to choose from, to name just a few. Besides that, our awesome developers have also optimized the Bridge code for better responsiveness and added a “Lazy Load” function that gradually loads your website content as it appears on screen, cutting down page loading times and making your website immensely faster.

Let’s recap. Here’s what you get with the brand new Bridge:

  • 200+ distinct & fully equipped websites to choose from
  • More shortcodes than you’ll ever need
  • Free plugins that you’d normally pay $71 for
  • Improved website performance
  • A ton of brand new customization options and impressive functionalities.

Website creation has never been as fast and easy as it is with Bridge 10.0.

So what are you waiting for? Get your copy of Bridge today to set up and launch a complete website in no time.

As always, you can check out a comprehensive overview of all the new goodies added to Bridge in our changelog.

We’ll be back soon with even more Bridge awesomeness, so stay tuned.