
What’s New in Bridge 9.1?

Thought we’d stop after the last amazing Bridge update? Wrong. We’re just getting started. So, let’s get right down to it. What’s new in Bridge 9.1? Well, for starters, we’ve added more demos. Seven more demos. They’re awesome, and you can check them all out in the list near the end of this post.

We’ve also added some new options, making Bridge even more flexible than before. Still not enough? Okay. How about new elements? Like the Product List- Masonry shortcode. Yes, you heard that right: a mind-blowing masonry layout for your shop products. How cool is that? Also, make sure to try out the new In-Device Slider shortcode. It’s perfect for displaying images in beautiful desktop, tablet, and mobile frames.

Stay tuned for even more Bridge updates soon. We’re going to be focusing on our blog next, and we’ve got great plans for it.

For now, you can check out the complete list of additions to Bridge 9.1 in our update log.

See you soon.