
10 Blog Demos in Bridge 9.2

What, what? Another Bridge update? Yep. And not just any ol’ update, but an update focused on one of the most important contemporary online marketing tools: the blog.

We know the importance of a strong blogging platform. It helps businesses connect with clients. It lets freelancers establish authority in their respective fields of work. It gives a voice to writers all around the world. Which is exactly why we decided to expand the blog functionality of Bridge.

So, what’s new in the big Bridge blog update?

Six beautiful blog list templates, that’s what’s new. And each comes with its own set of powerful customization options. You can find out more about the new blog lists here. Now this brings Bridge up to an amazing total of 16 distinct blog list templates. Yes, you heard that right. Sixteen. But wait, we’re not done. Not just yet. Besides the new blog list templates, we’ve also included a beautiful “Image Title” template for single posts. What’s the difference between the standard single post template, and the new “Image Title” template? Well, when you set one of your single blog posts to the “Image Title” template, that post’s featured image will be displayed in the title area instead of in the post content. Oh, and your content can now burst out of the grid it was previously restrained to and extend into glorious full width. Here’s an example of a post created with the “Image Title” template. Looks amazing, right? But there’s more. We’ve also added a “Latest Posts” widget to our collection of custom widgets, as well as some useful new functionalities for our existing blog-related shortcodes. Like an “auto-play” option for the Blog Slider, to name but one. And of course, a new collection of 10 Bridge blog demos, which you can check out in the list below.

As always, you can visit our update log for a more comprehensive overview of everything added in Bridge 9.2.

We’re already working on our next update, so stay tuned for more news on that. And whatever you do, remember: Just keep calm and carry on writing.